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Are you ready for an Online Business Manager?

Cat Dunn typing on laptop if you are ready for an Online Business Manager
Written by Cat Dunn on January 14, 2024

Hmm... am I ready for an Online Business Manager?

We all know the drill - you're a seasoned coach, a rockstar in your craft, but those sticky systems and a to-do list that rivals a Halloween haunted house queue are holding you back.

Fear not! An Online Business Manager is the game-changer you've been screaming out for.

How to get ready for an Online Business Manager

Okay, this bit is gonna take some work from you but it’s worth it - trust me. Dig out your journal and pen or trusty PM tool (Notion is great for this), and work through these actions. It’s time for a biz exorcism:

Terrifying tasks: Identify tasks that are sucking your soul. Whether it’s admin, creating content, bookkeeping, anything, get it down.

It’s likely this list is pretty long. Don’t worry - we’ve all been there. And there’s many experts out there who live for the tasks you dread; online business managers being one of them.

Conquer categories: See what themes these tasks have and group them into areas of your biz. If you find this hard, imagine you’re a big company and think about what they all have i.e. marketing, finance, admin, human resources, etc.

Some tasks may fall into more than one category and that’s cool. Once you’ve grouped them, look at the different areas. Is there someone who can handle each area better than you?

If you find you have a lot of areas, don’t panic. People management can take up a lot of time too, which is why hiring an Online Business Manager who can do that with you is a thrilling idea.

Time tip-tap-tracking: Now I need you to get a real good estimate of the time it takes to complete the tasks that suck for you. Even better, track your time using a stopwatch or free software like Toggl and check the numbers at the end of the day (or week if you’re that brave). 

Imagine getting all that time back to spend in your genius zone? What could you achieve/accomplish with all that time? That might be something to journal on.

An Online Business Manager can reduce that time dramatically by running your day-to-day operations, managing your team, and supporting your launches.

Sticky systems: Write down every software you’re currently using and give yourself a score out of 10 as to how efficiently you feel you’re using them and how confident you feel in using them.

If your systems are stickier than a spider's web, your biz backbone is in trouble. I’m not trying to scare you (well, maybe a little) but solid, streamlined systems are the spine of all your operations.

Online Business Managers live and breathe systems and processes. Setting these up well means we can help you scale your biz bigger and better than before. We can also onboard your team with ease, run automations to do the heavy lifting, and allow you to see your biz from a more strategic lens.

Superstar scaling: You're no rookie; you've been in the biz for yonks. But you’re struggling to get to the next level and don’t know why.

I’m here to tell you that it’s time to form your rockstar strategic partnership with an Online Business Manager.

You get a partner in time, a right hand gal, a partner to bounce biz ideas, turn your ideas into actionable task, a project manager for your goals, and a manager for your team.

Now that you’re ready for an Online Business Manager

Remember, the haunted house queue should be for Halloween, not your to-do list. Let go of the unnecessary and welcome an OBM into your coaching realm. Together, let's amplify your impact and rock your stage!

A brick wall with a neon sign

Wanna dip your toe into working with an OBM? I have scare-free services to suit all biz needs.

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Hiring an OBM is an amazeballs way to skyrocket your biz. Delegating tasks and streamlining your ops gives you time back to work in your genius zone whilst still growing your biz and smashing your goals.
If you’re ready to skyrocket your biz, lemme be your partner in time. Head to my services page then get in touch if you want me in your crew.
Check out my Services

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